
ادیان ابراهیمی


ادیان ابراهیمی


Writer, Philosopher, Life Architect, Time Architect
نویسنده، فیلسوف، معمار زندگی، معمار زمان

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۱۰ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Søren Kierkegaard» ثبت شده است

Sympathetic egoism. Irony.

Hypochondriac egoism. Humor. 

 one is one's own nearest.

One 37 II A 626 - S. Kierkegaard.

  • یَحیَی

Religiousspiritual, or abstract belief in a transcendent realm, being, or idea: a solution in which one believes in the existence of a reality that is beyond the Absurd, and, as such, has meaning. Kierkegaard stated that a belief in anything beyond the Absurd requires a non-rational but perhaps necessary religious acceptance in such an intangible and empirically unprovable thing (now commonly referred to as a "leap of faith"). However, Camus regarded this solution, and others, as "philosophical suicide". 

Wikipedia - Absurdism

Why is it so? This misunderstanding - philosophical suicide - occurs because of having no experience of belief's state, which is not reachable for everyone. There could be also a misconception of goal of philosophy in human's life.

Lord! Give us weak eyes for things of no account (not importance), and eyes of full clarity in all truth.

The Sickness unto Death - S. Kierkegaard

  • یَحیَی

Despair is a sickness of the spirit, of the self, and so can have three forms:

  1. being unconscious in despair of having a self (inauthentic despair)
  2. not wanting in despair to be oneself
  3. wanting in despair to be oneself
The sickness unto death - S. Kierkegaard.
If you are reading this, at least we can say that, there is a possibility for you to not be in state of (inauthentic despair) 1.

Despair: hopelessness of doing a thing in order to improve worrying situation. 

  • یَحیَی

It is very important in life to know when your cue comes.


Important in Life 36 I A 279 - S. Kierkegaard.

  • یَحیَی

... But this I thought was the meaning of life, that the individual shook off the habit of accepting the favours of difference, should that be tempting, steeled himself against its humiliation, should that weigh down on him, in order to find the universal, what is common to all human beings, to concern himself only with that. Oh! how beautiful to lose oneself in this way. But then I thought again that in the having of this concern the meaning of life was to be concerned for oneself as if the particular individual was all there was. Oh! how beautiful thus to find oneself in the universal! If the universal is the rule then the individual is the paradigm [corrected from: demand]; if the universal is the demand then the individual is the fulfillment; if the universal is everything, if the universal says everything, then the particular individual believes that the everything is said about him - him alone.

So if the place and context here did not require a signature, none would be needed, for again it is infinitely inconsequential who has said it (as though the favoured one said it, the one who was one said it, the one who was wronged being in no position to say it, since after all they all have it in them to do it.)

Is signature not required? 46 VII I B 200 - S. Kierkegaard.

  • یَحیَی

Feeling very sorry for something that you have done wrong at past, why? Because you mightn't or might know how to do that. A feel what is cause of your suffering in future. A feel which deal with you conscience. A feel that eats you like a worm. 

Conscience-Stricken is a purify process, which helps you to be in Love, instead of hatE. In my opinion, in conscience-stricken state, your conscience is trying to be free from bad points that are made by hate; and this is enough to have Love.

Lord! Give us weak eyes for things of no account, and eyes of full clarity in all your truth.

Soren Kierkegaard - The Sickness unto Death 


  • یَحیَی

You always need one more light positively to identify another. Imagine it quite dark and then one point of light appears; you would be quite unable to place it, since no spatial relation can be made out in the dark. Only when one more light appears can you fix the place of the first, in relation to it.

One more light is needed 15 April 34 I A I - S. Kierkegaard.

  • یَحیَی

Erotic love and marriage are really just a deeper corroboration of self-love, with two people involved in self-love. That is exactly why married people become so content, prosper so vegetatively for pure love is not adapted to worldly life in the way self-love is. The lonely person therefore lacks self-love, which married people express by saying that person is selfish, since married people assume that marriage is love.

Self-Love 47 VIII I A I90 - S. Kierkegaard.

  • یَحیَی

On the contrary, doing ambitiously, makes you feel better than wait to see what will happen. But if you do it hard and try to make your future, you will find that so many things are there which you can't change never. After sometimes, this contradictory will be attached to your entire life. 

Every flower in my heart becomes an ice fern. 37 II A 64I - Soren Kierkegaard

  • یَحیَی

Always doing like 'the others' is a very convenient piece of wisdom; in addition, it brings all earthly benefits and respect - for being wise. One person flatters the other because he regards it as wise to do so.  


Doing like 'the others' 48 IX A I32 - S. Kierkegaard.


What to say here?

By doing like 'the others', you can be wise as well as respectful person, from 'other's angle'.

By doing not like 'the others', you may never can be wise at your lifetime, from 'other's angle'.

And also remember, we are living in a society, so other's angle could be an important parameter in our life.


So with reference to all those things that we know, at least we could accept that doing like 'the others' is much easier than doing not 'like others'.



  • یَحیَی