
ادیان ابراهیمی


ادیان ابراهیمی


Writer, Philosopher, Life Architect, Time Architect
نویسنده، فیلسوف، معمار زندگی، معمار زمان

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۵ مطلب با موضوع «Theory» ثبت شده است

As time goes on, but maybe his mind during the act of bringing the idea to express itself.

Better games von Neumann (John Von Neumann) as the source from which it started to be called game theory. Clearly von Neumann developed the modern theory of games with paper began in 1928, but has much deeper roots game theory.

Game theory as a branch of modern mathematics is relatively simple combination of two ideas.

The first idea, gain (a measure of what you want) and the second idea, strategy (how to get what you want) is.

Good measure to assess the value or priority. This idea has a long history and complex philosophical theory known as a profit-oriented. One of the most famous exponents of the idea of Jeremy Bentham (Jeremy Bentham) English social philosopher and scholar was right. Bentham wrote in 1780: "Everything is the feature through which you wish to gain profit, pleasure, or joy is caused by the event, evil, pain, loss, or failure to prevent happiness."
Obviously, in all areas of interest can not be quantitatively measured and reviewed. For example, happiness can not be calculated simply. Nevertheless the economic benefit can be expressed quantitatively as a function of the beneficial interest. Your problem is often defined benefit, not select the most appropriate strategy for it. Game theory can calculate which strategy is best.

The method of finding the best strategy in the next chapter, we will discuss.
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  • یَحیَی

Janvf Plvart (Jonov Pelorat) characters in a story written by Isaac Asimov Foundation (Isac Asimov) theory near the Sldvn Harry (Hari Seldon) about human behavior and the molecular kinetic theory of gases explains:

In other words, put together by the laws of human interaction patterns, predictability will. Similar interactions of the molecules is determined by the temperature and pressure of the gas, molecular physicists with regard to population, to measure the temperature.

Adapted from the book Beautiful Mathematics
By: Tom Sygfryd
Translation: Reza Sadeghi

- This text is an introduction about the similarities of human behavior and the kinetic theory of gases. In the future, it is an attempt to review the game theory of John Forbes Nash (John Forbes Nash) in the fields of mathematics, economics, neuroscience, sociology, psychology, analysis of human behavior, mental processes to examine.
  • یَحیَی

The fundamental subject of “The Myth of Sisyphus” is this: it is legitimate and necessary to wonder whether life has a meaning; therefore it is legitimate to meet the problem of suicide face to face. The answer, underlying and appearing through the paradoxes which cover it, is this: even if one does not believe in God, suicide is not legitimate.

 The Myth Of Sisyphus And Other Essays
Albert Camus
Translated from the French by Justin O’Brien
This question and answer try to criticise Kierkegaard's solution to problem of suicide. According to Camus; Recognition should deal with problem of suicide.

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  • یَحیَی

In The Name of GOD (The only words)

The Analysis of Reality
By Mehdi Bateni
Email: Bateni.mehdi@gmail.com
Semester II – Student Seminar – Feb 2011
University of Pune
I- Authentic Logic
II- Impossibility of expression of Analysis of Reality
III- Analysis of Reality from my angle

When we are discussing about one subject, this is very important that we know what we are talking about exactly and clearly.
In this paper, I want to discuss about reality and analysis of that, and then by using of some simple argument, demonstrate that we cannot analyze the reality in clear way. My meaning by clearly way is this that if we intend to investigate a thing like a subject in analytical manner, - what we want to do now - we have to use of logical as a mathematical way. Because of, we don’t have any doubt about the exactness, rightness and validity of that way and I think all of us allow that mathematics is best and unique way to express a thing in logical and analytical manner.
In part I, I am trying to show why mathematic is authentic logic, and discuss about why we need to use of authentic logic.
In part II, there are some statements that we need for our discussion. If I can express that the possibility of expression of Analysis of Reality is Impossible, then we can accept that there is impossibility of Analysis of Reality. And this will be ascertained with the help of analytic logic.
In part III, when we could not investigate that the analysis of reality is not logical and analytical as a mathematical manner, I will go to analyze of reality from my angle, and will discuss about some important parameter of reality which I think that attention to them is necessary.
But here, I need to think more for completing my view about reality, because there is and must be many and so much thing to explain, and of course this need a lot of time for search and discovery. And because of this, part III will be presented generally and shortly.
Therefore this is part I:

I- Authentic Logic
At first, if we want to start a discussion, we have to have some common grammars and rules which make us able to discussing. And if there is an analytic problem or a discussion in analytic way – what we are discussing about Reality now – unquestionably, Logic is the way.
What is Logic?
Answer to this question is very simple and yet difficult. Meaning of the word “Logic” according to Cambridge dictionary is “A particular way of thinking, especially one which is reasonable and based on good judgment.” According to Critical Thinking, Logic is a unique authentic and reliable instrument for analysis and obtaining the answer which mind is trying to find. Logic also need to firm, consistent, solid and steadfast reasons for working otherwise it cannot work in any cases.
What are the conditions required for analysis?
In logic, the words necessity and sufficiency refer to the implicational relationships between statements. The assertion that one statement is a necessary and sufficient condition of another statement means that, the former statement is true if and only if the latter is true.
 A necessary condition of a statement must be satisfied for the statement to be true. Formally, statement P is a necessary condition of statement Q, if Q implies P. For example in order for it to be true that “John is a bachelor” it is necessary that it be also true that he is 1. Unmarried and that 2. He be male - those are the necessary conditions for the statement "John is a bachelor" to be true.

 A sufficient condition is one that, if satisfied, assures the statement's truth. Formally, a statement P is a sufficient condition of a statement Q, if P implies Q. For example stating that "John is a bachelor" implies that John is male. So knowing that it is true that John is a bachelor is sufficient in order to know that it is also true that he is a male.
So, if statement p is this: “There is possibility of expression of Analysis of Reality”. In order for it to be true, is necessary that at least three statements must be True, which are:
q1- There is information.
q2- There is process of analyzing.
q3- There is a common language for proving the information.
If one of these necessary conditions be false, statement p is False.
q1 Ʌ q2 Ʌ q3 → p (Conclusion 1)


  • یَحیَی


“         ”

First of all, I write notes, which I had translated, on paper. After that I started heaving. There was nothing more to say, till they told me, you are done. You can go.


“Possible, I believe, has been come from Impossible. And, Impossible, itself, is impossible. So here, our standards, which are cells for conclusion, and which, we have to suppose they exist, themselves, must be substantive [because they have been become possible], are Impossible.
  • If Impossible is Substantive, so Possible could not be opposite of Impossible, in the other words, Possible is not antithesis of Impossible, because according to our presumption it is derived from Impossible.

  • Therefore, Impossible is creator of Possibilities.

So, our world what we live in, is a mass of possibilities, which derived from Impossible.

  • یَحیَی