
ادیان ابراهیمی


ادیان ابراهیمی


Writer, Philosopher, Life Architect, Time Architect
نویسنده، فیلسوف، معمار زندگی، معمار زمان

دنبال کنندگان ۳ نفر
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Life is a combination. A mixture of elements that could be known or still unknown. And Illusion is an element which we must deal with it through our life.

1- What we can do?
2- What we know about that element?

Nothing except Illusion, and sometimes it comes to pass in our sensitive world. That is a clue and a window that opens to the World. We must just allow it to occur. Illusion is fault, which has it's shape and almost always happens in a sharp way.
I think it is better to answer second question at first. What we know about element and then what we know about that specific element [illusion]??

OK, lets start. 
-a point -an umbrella -a color background -an union -a best universe and possibly university in the world -what we can call -combination of situations -gossip and gossip-monger -novelist -wonderland like your motherland -character x 
And that's it..

Now; may I request you to read the lines above once again??

Answer to this question could be yes or no or ..
If yes: you will read those lines once again.
If no: you do not.
If nothing: there will be an empty answer in your mind for that!! What to do??

Please; think about situations ...

Due to first question, we can do nothing except thinking about situations.
  • یَحیَی
Let, leave any academical psychic definition of Bipolar disorder, and then look at it. 
What does it look like?
It looks like a potential of having a wide-ranging of awareness. 
But, why is it a disorder? Because of it is not normal, or in other words, it is unnormal (unormal). 
Now, just think, there is a range of light's waves which makes colors that we can see, but it doesn't mean that this is the range of all light's waves. There are also another light's waves; which we can not see, but they are exactly exist. In compare to Bipolar disorder, people who has this disorder, of course have ability to experience more than others and they still have common sense and can communicate with others. 
This is the reason that we can generalize more or less, about another disorders too. So, now this is the time to ask of Clinical-Psychology about how to treating with this and also another disorders. 
  • یَحیَی
In the past, there was limitation of common meaning between me and the others, which drove me to current situation. And now, there is limitation of common meaningful language between me and the others, which will drive me to next different situation.
  • یَحیَی
Nothing but following a certain belief.
You will finally reach the state of "what to do", and then you know what to do.
  • یَحیَی
Doubtless, we are living in the age of existentialism. But a relevant significant point to existentialism is: "since existentialism is depend on individuals, there could not be a common rule for all individuals to do and follow and so every individual has to follow h/is own way of thought. So nothing to share with others and nothing to ask of others, because of difference in very fundamental part of human existence.
I believe that, we need to revalue it, in order to make it more depend on society, more depend on human community; and more depend on common rules. 
But no doubt, existentialism is prior to common senses.
  • یَحیَی
We all are considering our life from our angle, but there could be an specific angle that everyone can dealing with. 
Imagine world is a space and has so many window One or more of those is belong to you. Yours is different from other's. But there is one specific window which is free for all to see through. Some people come there and see through that, some don't. 
Significant is that you must go through that. Can or not, is not the case. You, may or may not have a look through that, but at least you have done, what you should.

  • یَحیَی
There is a state that I would like to call " state of belief " with presupposing that we can talk about every state where we are or not in. 
This state has no attributions. An extreme idea ought to be there, which is neither consequential, nor egoistic. That is faultless in own-self. 
These are the possible expressions, which we can say about that. 
Is not important, who said this.
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  • یَحیَی
From very beginning in our life, we are recognizing what conduct us to a special way where we all are in. So wherever we are, is influenced by what we have recognized since very early age.
If a person is in a heterodox direction at a time of life, h/is -her/his- situation is born and built by h/is background of everything that has been related to h/is life since early to now. 
Those are so many. 
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  • یَحیَی
A time will reach, when you are in the very different situation. No more question to answer, no more thing to find, no more philosophy to follow, no more thought to go and nothing to do. This is a situation.
It Is not difficult to deal with, and also is not difficult to be in for. This is the real state of life, when you understand where you really are, in a simple reality or in an organized chaos.
You are in a wanted position, however you are not happy, because just you understood that there are thousands question in front of you. As soon as you see that situation with thousands of question, you will decide  to not follow any more questions, any more things, any more philosophies, any more thoughts, any more nothing.
In a sense, this is a same situation as the former. 
In the former; you have not any more things to do, so you don't do.
In the latter; you have decided nothing to do , so you don't do. 
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  • یَحیَی
There are so many questions that every time, arise from certain belief's body. 
One of those is; what to do if you are not a strong person to follow a belief all the time without any doubt? Our doubt with close relationship to our tiredness raise specific questions which recommend hopelessness of following the path to us.
Is the way which I believe, a true way?
If you are not a strong person in ideas and beliefs, there is nothing to do with this question by you, except changing yourself. As soon as, you  are in contact with questions, you will find that, if you still want to live, you have to change. 
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  • یَحیَی