Sunday, 27 July 2014، 06:51 PM
Giving a promise to a person, or an idea, or a thing by isolating yourself from others. This could be a path of life, but there are requirements for that. One of those requirements which in my opinion is most important, is having belief. Belief in the way that you are going in. Belief in following your path forever. Belief in having no doubt about path. Belief in yourself and your choice.
- If you are the person, isolating is the absolute way for you.
- But, if you are not the person, isolating is not the case.
In the case of not being believer, you are in a very complicated situation. You know what to do, you know truth, you like to follow, you like to be active in the way, you like, but you can't. Finally you will find yourself in unsolvable situation. And for being alive as soon as you felt, you have to emigrate to isolating level. But there is fundamental difference between you and first type of person. Difference will not be solved at all, except by chance and this is because of the conditions which are necessary for converting level 1 to level 2. Those conditions are not similar and must not be, as they have difference in origin.
- 14/07/27