
ادیان ابراهیمی


ادیان ابراهیمی


Writer, Philosopher, Life Architect, Time Architect
نویسنده، فیلسوف، معمار زندگی، معمار زمان

دنبال کنندگان ۳ نفر
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۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «waves» ثبت شده است

Let, leave any academical psychic definition of Bipolar disorder, and then look at it. 
What does it look like?
It looks like a potential of having a wide-ranging of awareness. 
But, why is it a disorder? Because of it is not normal, or in other words, it is unnormal (unormal). 
Now, just think, there is a range of light's waves which makes colors that we can see, but it doesn't mean that this is the range of all light's waves. There are also another light's waves; which we can not see, but they are exactly exist. In compare to Bipolar disorder, people who has this disorder, of course have ability to experience more than others and they still have common sense and can communicate with others. 
This is the reason that we can generalize more or less, about another disorders too. So, now this is the time to ask of Clinical-Psychology about how to treating with this and also another disorders. 
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